tip: Less chatty health_check logging in development
In our application we’ve got a healtcheck endpoint.
My name is Leon Berenschot.
This is my personal website w/ some ramblings and insights I’m encountering while building a SaaS product called Memoriam.tv
The design is sparse b/c I’m a backender but there will be progress!
In our application we’ve got a healtcheck endpoint.
Your harddisk is filled w/ node_modules all over the place… Let’s clean it up...
Big fan of StandardRB over here, even though I don’t agree w/ all the rules b...
Since macOS Monterey the airplay listener hijacks port 5000 and 7000
An official “By Google” chrome plugin to block Google Analytics 🤔
As approved by some designer friends:
Simple effective design!
A post from the controversial DHH but this rings a bell: Become a Citadel!
Interesting thougths on why government projects are so complicated
Now you can comment on blog posts w/ Giscus:
As stated in my post Keeping histories in dip provision:
I’m a big fan of dip, the Docker Interaction Program.
“You can find us anywhere you get your podcasts.”
With ActiveRecord#becomes any model can become a different class instantly.
Some text editors understand heredoc and pretty print the string depending on...
While reviewing the changelog of Psych I stumbled upon a commit: “Get rid of ...
ICYM: This allows you to update a stack of branches in one go.
A nice tool for constructing your time formatting.
Be a good boyscout and clean up after yourself!
So we make it difficult to contact us:
Put this up on my graveyard